Kate Boosey

Finance Manager 0845 269 0009

Kate is the company’s finance manager and has been with the company 5 and a half years. She has been working in finance within the electrical and contracting industry for over 23 years and 18 of those was as finance assistant at her previous company.

Kate wanted a new challenge and stepped up to take on Premier’s vacancy of finance manager. Kate loves anything to do with numbers which is a big help! She also loves the fast paced busy environment, and for her, no two days are ever the same.

Fun fact.

Kate is a keen runner and her goal is to complete the 6 World Major Marathons. So far she is half-way through, and would have been one away from achieving her goal, except two of the additional marathons she has run were not part of the World Majors! In her words “I’m good with numbers but not geography!”.


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